VOCAL reels

Be Seen and heard!

A vocal showreel is a video compilation of you singing live that showcases your vocal abilities and versatility. This can include different tones, emotions, and styles. Having a well-produced vocal showreel demonstrates your professionalism. It shows that you've taken the time to curate a collection of your best work and have the technical skills to present it in a polished manner. Casting directors, producers, and clients often request vocal samples when considering talent for projects. A filmed vocal showreel provides a convenient and quick way for them to assess your look, style and vocal abilities and determine if you suit their needs. In the digital age, having an online presence is crucial. A video vocal showreel can be shared on your personal website, social media platforms, and professional networking sites. This makes it easy for potential collaborators to discover and evaluate your talents. It can set you apart from others in your field and it can be used to promote yourself for auditions, gigs, or opportunities where your voice is a key asset. If you have a diverse range of vocal skills, a showreel allows you to showcase this versatility. For example, you can include segments that highlight your ability to perform different accents, character voices, or singing styles. A well-crafted vocal showreel can leave a lasting impression on those who listen to it. It becomes a memorable representation of your talent, making it more likely for people to remember and recommend you for relevant opportunities.

Anna hathway

Take a look at Anna’s finished vocal reel to get an idea of what your finished reel might look and sound like. Anna chose four songs of different styles to show off her voice. A rock song, an emotional ballad etc and then picked roughly 1 minute of each song to best highlight her range and emotion. She sang these sections over and over until she was happy and was filmed singing live on each take. When satisfied the four clips were edited together to make this completed vocal reel.